Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Analysis of front covers

This is mini world magazine it is a car magazine which focuses only on the mini. The front cover is largely dominated by an image of a mini which is conventional for a specific magazine to have an image relationg to the magazine. At the top of the front cover is the name of the magazine mini wold its not a logo as such its just a straight forwards name. Below the main inage there are three others that all are images of minis.

This image here is of Noel Gallager on the front of the New Musical Express magazine better known as NME. NME is a very well respected and established music magazine as you can tell by the fact they have Noel Gallager a guitarist of one of the biggest bands in the world OASIS on their cover.Noel is holding up a cup of tea and a saucer which suggests the very English rock band nature of the magazine .The lay out of the front cover has nothing to fancy about it, it's just straight forward and kind of in your face, like the magazine itself.The masthead is slightly covered by Noels head but this doesn't matter as NMEs logo is a well recognised one.

Besides the main story in the middle there are only three other articles previewed which is unusual for a magazine as most magazine covers are plastered with links to inside stories, I think NME may have done this to create a minimalist look. NME has a much younger audience than other music magazines such as Q magazine or Total guitar, this has much to do with the articles the magazine publishes that are aimed more at younger music such as Indie and electro pop.

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